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How to Allow What IS, to be What It IS


Last weekend, I planned something special for the kids, and frankly, it could have been so different. I had pretty high expectations and the kids were behaving like, well, kids.

I reflected on this situation and so many other events this year, especially during the holidays. In 2020, I feel like I’ve been grasping for “special” moments, because so many events and normal special things were cancelled. So when the special moments come around, I’ve been placing too high of expectations on them. “We have so few of them, so we better make the most, dammit!”

I think what I need more is to practice acceptance.

Accept this year for what it is, and what it isn’t.

Accept that things won’t look like “normal” or the way they did in years past.

And instead, I want to find joy in what’s different and in the simplicity of the way things are this holiday time. There is something freeing in the idea of allowing what is, to be just what it is.

What can you accept this holiday season? Where can you find joy in the “different” or simplicity of 2020?

Wishing you all a healthy and happy holiday

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